Metro Jaya police chief was speaking at the Metro Jaya Police Headquarters on Friday (21 / 5). "Apparently prediction (estimate, red) we are right in this month (May) there is an increasing community calendar of events," said Wahyono.
He said the community activities that affect security and stability in the territory of DKI Jakarta during May 2010, including increased vulnerability and local traffic flow.
Jakarta Police recorded crime rates in the period April to May 2010 increased by 12.46 percent or 1124 compared to the previous case with the conventional categories of crime, human rights violations, and theft of state assets by weighting, and theft with violence.
Police said it memberlakuan Berantas Operation Jaya 2010 with targets to reduce the number of street crime, theft by weighting (nozzle) and theft with violence using firearms. "It (crime) is always dynamic, so there are fluctuations in our evaluation of each month for prone areas trerjadi crime, "he said.
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